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android.graphics.drawable类 LevelListDrawable
public class LevelListDrawableextends DrawableContainer
A resource that manages a number of alternate Drawables, each assigned a maximum numerical value. Setting the level value of the object with Drawable.setLevel(int) will load the image with the next greater or equal value assigned to its max attribute. A good example use of a LevelListDrawable would be a battery level indicator icon, with different images to indicate the current battery level.
It can be defined in an XML file with the <level-list>
element. Each Drawable level is defined in a nested <item>
. For example:
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With this XML saved into the res/drawable/ folder of the project, it can be referenced as the drawable for an ImageView. The default image is the first in the list. It can then be changed to one of the other levels with ImageView.setImageLevel(int).
嵌套类摘要 |
从类 android.graphics.drawable.DrawableContainer 继承的嵌套类/接口 |
DrawableContainer.DrawableContainerState |
从类 android.graphics.drawable.Drawable 继承的嵌套类/接口 |
Drawable.Callback, Drawable.ConstantState |
构造方法摘要 | |
LevelListDrawable() |
方法摘要 | |
void | addLevel(int low, int high, Drawable drawable) |
void | inflate(Resources r, XmlPullParser parser, AttributeSet attrs) |
Drawable | mutate() Make this drawable mutable. |
draw, getChangingConfigurations, getConstantState, getCurrent, getIntrinsicHeight, getIntrinsicWidth, getMinimumHeight, getMinimumWidth, getOpacity, getPadding, invalidateDrawable, isStateful, scheduleDrawable, selectDrawable, setAlpha, setColorFilter, setDither, setVisible, unscheduleDrawable |
clearColorFilter, copyBounds, copyBounds, createFromPath, createFromResourceStream, createFromStream, createFromXml, createFromXmlInner, getBounds, getLevel, getState, getTransparentRegion, invalidateSelf, isVisible, resolveOpacity, scheduleSelf, setBounds, setBounds, setCallback, setChangingConfigurations, setColorFilter, setFilterBitmap, setLevel, setState, unscheduleSelf |
从类 java.lang.Object 继承的方法 |
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
构造方法详细信息 |
public LevelListDrawable()
方法详细信息 |
public void addLevel(int low, int high, Drawable drawable)
public void inflate(Resources r, XmlPullParser parser, AttributeSet attrs) throws XmlPullParserException, IOException
覆盖:类 Drawable 中的 inflate抛出:XmlPullParserExceptionIOException
public Drawable mutate()
从类 Drawable 复制的描述Make this drawable mutable. This operation cannot be reversed. A mutabledrawable is guaranteed to not share its state with any other drawable.This is especially useful when you need to modify properties of drawablesloaded from resources. By default, all drawables instances loaded fromthe same resource share a common state; if you modify the state of oneinstance, all the other instances will receive the same modification.Calling this method on a mutable Drawable will have no effect.覆盖:类 DrawableContainer 中的 mutate返回:This drawable.